Monday, June 10, 2024

Marinelite echo sounder (fish finder) 6' display interface to Sperry marine vmft radar

 Please see the video link from youtube how we setup the marinelite wind sensor, marinelite echo sounder and sperry marine vmft display to interface all 3 equipments.

Connecting Marinelite wind sensor with relative and true wind speed and direction

 Here you will see the marinelite wind instrument connected with gyro Sperry marine mk1 and gps SOG

at the same time output the wind speed and direction to the sperry marine vmft radar. 

Please see the video link from youtube below.

Connect Satelite compass to existing single gyro system

 Many times when vessel has only one master gyro compass, it makes autopilot steering difficult when master gyro fail at sea. Using magnetic compass to steer with autopilot is almost impossible.

Satelite compass kick in for this case.

Please see the interface drawing below :

How to setup obsolete order printer with existing Gyro compass ?

 Many times when vessel are very old. Let say approximately 20-30years old.

The equipment on board are very old as well.

Vessel may sell for scrap in 1-2 years time.

To reduce cost on order printer since it is mandatory to install order printer for any voyage.

But because either order printer is obsolete or naviprint could not be output to the order printer.

There is a solution. As long as the gyro compass could output NMEA HDT sentence, the solution is relatively low cost.

Install a UDR(Universal Digital Repeater), set the output to transmit naviprint sentence.

Connect a Epson dot matrix LQ310, then it will do the job.

Please see attached drawing.